On OWSE chat Thursday night, Robyn ask us to close our eyes, and with a pencil, scribble on our paper without lifting our pencil off the paper while scribbling.
Robyn said some of the lines could be erased or added. I added a balloon. From my drawing I saw a bird.
I was about ready to tear out this page and throw in the trash after spending two hours trying to remove the masking fluid but I liked the background.
We had to use at least 3 paints, I used; pyrrole red, permanent violet dark, cobalt teal, ultramarine blue, raw sienna, yellow ochre, hansa yellow medium, iridescent bronze (fine), white, micaceous iron oxide and jenkins green Golden Fluid Paints.
I know it needs more to fill in but I'm calling this piece finished for now. I'm going to sit back and look at it and decide was else it needs.
Journal page: 6 1/2" x 10"
I would love to hear your comments about my scribble drawing!