I've dealt with pain in my head since December 2015 and doesn't seem to get any better. I've taken two sets of Botox shots with no results, no medication helps.
Then moving into December 7, 8, and 9 I had a garage sale in our rental that we had up for sale. The last day of the sale, an old man came in around noon he was not steady on his feet carrying a cane, he stopped in the living room to buy some ornaments, he didn't come up to my table to purchase them, he pulled out his money and looked over at me. I got up to take his money and sat down. He picked up another item in the living room, and this time he pulled out his money again. I got up and tripped over an extension cord I had running to my cash drawer. I fell down hard hitting my right hip on some metal and plastic boxes near my table, I hit my back and head on hard wood floor. It didn't knock me out but as I was laying down on the floor the old man was standing on my hair, I ask him twice to get off my hair. Two nice ladies came up to help me, they ask him to get away from me. They took his money and took it to the cash register. They called my dear hubby to come help me. Dear hubby called our son, they both helped me off the floor. (yes, I know I should have called an ambulance.) Our son and hubby closed down my sale and went to ER. This happened on Saturday, on Monday I went to my local doctor, he said you will feel better in 6 weeks, just take the pain medication and let it heal. I ask my pain doctor for a surgeon that might help me. I went in to see the surgeon about three weeks after falling. He said he could have helped me sooner, if I had come in right after it happened. (Of course I didn't know him then)
On February 14, he operated on my back at T 12 with cement. I was put of Norco for pain.
I was still in chronic pain 7 weeks after surgery so I called my surgeon back and got an appointment April 5, he ordered X-rays, CT and MRI that day since we were two hours from home.
April 6, I stopped cold turkey taking Norco. It took a week to get over that medicine. I had been on Norco since I fell December 9. I didn't like having claw marks on my skin from the itchy feeling and I couldn't tell it was helping me any longer.
April 10, 2018 we drove back to Norman, OK to see the surgeon. He said I need surgery again on T10, and T11 and L-2 and L-3 with pins and screws in my back.
On Friday, April 19, 2018, I went to a Medtronic guy to check my loop recorder in my chest, he said you need a pacemaker. He took his records to my heart doctor across the hall, they gave me an appointment that same day to come back to see the heart doctor. She agreed with the medtronic guy and I needed a pacemaker, she said she will put it in soon.
I called the doctor that was going to operate on my back and told his office I had put my back surgery on hold.
I'm in pain 24/7 sitting while riding in a car, walking, standing, cooking, bending down and now trying to sleep. I haven't found anything that helps that I can take. I'm allergic to what others take for pain.
All this time I've been in pain with my upper and lower back and still have daily headaches and migraines. I see flashing like many times everyday.
When will this night-mare end!
Sorry Bloggers, it has been a rough year! I'm off my venting now!